Special version of the printformer
Web2Publish software for
integration in Shopify
Special version of the printformer
Web2Publish software for
integration in Shopify
Developing a new version of the printformer Web2Publish software tailored to Shopify was a logical step after an initial implementation for Logolini®Präsente (click here for the article). With printformer.io, we enable the combination of both components, i.e. the problem-free integration of printformer technology into the Shopify system, in just a few steps.
At the OnlinePrintSymposium 2020 in Munich at the beginning of March, we presented this version of the new printformer.io app, which is tailored for integration into Shopify. After the first integration in the Shopify webshop of Logolini®Präsente, we are now focusing on the innovative e-commerce platform Shopify for the long term. In the past, for many competitors in the print and media services industry, the topic of transformation in the course of increasing digitalization was usually a difficult hurdle to overcome. With the release of printformer.io, we are significantly lowering the entry hurdle in the Web2Publish area and, in addition to a cost-effective entry, offer an integration of the printformer software into Shopify that can be realized in just a few steps.
"The aim was to use this version, which has been specially adapted to Shopify, to create a store in just a few minutes and turn it into a real print store with an editor and print upload using the printformer.io app. With printformer.io, we are combining our Web2Publish technology with one of the most successful e-commerce cloud solutions of our time. This not only means a fast time-to-market without lengthy implementation processes, but also a more predictable start thanks to the simple setup, maximum scalability and transparent cost structure. Our cloud service also offers state-of-the-art technology on demand, allowing customers to spend more time on their core business," explains our CTO Sebastian Buck.
"Creating your own print store in 5 minutes sounds like a dream, but with printformer.io it's now a reality. Anyone who wants to can get started today and place their own products and services on the market. Web2Publish has probably never been easier. There is no longer any reason not to start now. Anyone who wants to position themselves quickly, cost-effectively and successfully for the future should take a closer look at printfomer.io," adds CEO Alex Sperrfechter.
More information about the specially adapted version of the proven printformer software, which offers the possibility of implementing print stores based on the well-known Shopify platform, can be found at www.printformer.io.